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(function(method, name) { return function() { this.parent = self._parent[name]; return method.apply(this, arguments); }; })(obj[key], key) : obj[key] } // assign new parent this._parent = extend(this._parent, obj, true); // assign new prototype this.prototype = extend(this.prototype, obj); // return the class if its assigned return this; }; // adding class method implement class.implement = function(array) { return this.prototype = extend(this.prototype, implement(array)); }; // gets options from constructor class.getoptions = function() { return this.prototype.options || {}; }; // sets options for constructor class.setoptions = function(options) { return this.prototype.options = extend(this.prototype.options, options); }; // preventing conflicts class.noconflict = function() { // reassign original class obj to window window.class = original; return class; }; // returns current running version class.version = version; // helper for assigning methods to a new prototype function copy(obj) { var f = function() {}; f.prototype = obj.prototype || obj; return new f(); } // insures the removal of a given method name function remove(obj, name, safe) { // if save is active we need to copy all attributes over. if (safe) { var safeobj = {}; for (var key in obj) { if (key !== name) safeobj[key] = obj[key]; } } else { delete obj[name]; } return safeobj || obj; } // helper for merging two object with each other function extend(oldobj, newobj, preserve) { // failsave if something goes wrong if (!oldobj || !newobj) return oldobj || newobj || {}; // make sure we work with copies oldobj = copy(oldobj); newobj = copy(newobj); for (var key in newobj) { if (object.prototype.tostring.call(newobj[key]) === '[object object]') { extend(oldobj[key], newobj[key]); } else { // if preserve is set to true oldobj will not be overwritten by newobj if // oldobj has already a method key oldobj[key] = (preserve && oldobj[key]) ? oldobj[key] : newobj[key]; } } return oldobj; } // helper for implementing other classes or objects function implement(array) { var collection = {}; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { // check if a class is implemented and save its prototype if (typeof(array[i]) === 'function') array[i] = array[i].prototype; // safely remove initialize var safe = remove(array[i], 'initialize', true); // we use implement again if array has the apropriate methiod, otherwise we extend if (safe.implement) { collection = implement(safe.implement); } else { collection = extend(collection, safe); } } return collection; } })();